
Youth Network Blog

This is a space where members are able to talk openly and honestly about issues relating to OCD. Due to the nature of intrusive thoughts, there may be some themes that are difficult to read about, particularly for younger audiences. Please take care of yourselves and those around you. We all know how difficult OCD can be to deal with, so having a judgement-free place to express yourself is vital. We also know that being able to hear from other people with similar experiences to you can be a real comfort. With that in mind, we hope you enjoy the blog!

Want to write your own and get it published? Submit a blog post via the Contact Page

  • comedy

    Have you heard the joke about OCD?

    September 5th 2014

    “If I had a penny for every time someone said I have OCD, I’d have 967274 pence.” “I do not have an OCD over tidiness. I just wanted to clear that...Read More.

  • angel

    Angel of my obsessions

    August 19th 2014

    Bless those who are imprisoned by their own minds. Who hear more doubts on the inside. My protector guards me, keeps an eye on my safety, and then leaves me...Read More.
