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Notes: Last active 2 months, 3 weeks ago
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Topic Title: am i developing ocd?
2 posts
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loonachuuves said 4 years, 5 months ago:
hi hehe i originally wrote a really long post but i decided to scrap it as it was very in detail and triggering, and i dont wanna influence anyone
all i wanna say is that recently, i’ve been having a lot of intrusive thoughts, and it’s a weird cycle – so like, i’ll have really triggering thoughts about a certain subtype, then in a couple days get over it, then a couple of days later ANOTHER kinda subtype of ocd and idk if it’s actually something i should be worried about or not
my symptoms are pretty mild i think considering i get over it in a couple of days
i just wanna know if i should seek help now before it gets worse?
thank you!
sorry if this was confusing aha im a bit of a rambler
moresunshine said 4 years, 4 months ago:
Seek help! It’s much better to tackle the situation early, before things get much worse and you feel like you can’t anymore. I wish I had done. If it’s causing you anxiety, even just mild anxiety, you are deserving of help and should seek it.
I hope this helps