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Notes: Last active 2 months, 3 weeks ago
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Topic Title: Any help ? Is this OCD?
2 posts
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roroyourboat said 4 years, 5 months ago:
I would really like some help in how to cope with this problem, for over a year now I have this problem with mess, everyday I spend about 1h sometimes more sometimes less, putting things in the places I need them, it’s a routine and usually it works but sometimes I get images and get really upset if these things are out of my control or I can’t do them, for example at the moment there’s a few things in the garden I’m not able to move, but I can’t stop thinking about them and worrying that there not where they should be. I get really upset and overwhelmed when I think about multiple things that are out of place and then suddenly I can’t stop and everything is out of place and I can’t close my eyes because I just see these horrible images of rubbish everywhere, I thought it might just be a tidy habit, but at times I don’t want to do these routines but I have to. I do feel okay most days, getting on and finishing the routine without any problems but when it’s changed or messed up I get really upset and stressed. Does anyone have anything I can do about this? I don’t know what to do…
lilah said 4 years, 5 months ago:
Hi roroyourboat, I don't deal with that issue but I do have OCD and can understand feeling like you have to do something because of it. It does sound like OCD, because it makes you feel like you need to do it. That sounds really annoying and difficult. Some suggestions I have are maybe to think what if there is a big mess or whatever the worry is to think what if that does happen? And just sit with that or to try to accept those feelings and not do anything about them, it can be really difficult though. Maybe you could try something like medititation or something relaxing. Also if you try to not do what your OCD is telling you, maybe do something that distracts you, like I sometimes will play a game on my Mum's phone that for me is distracting and doesn't make me think too much when I am having a lot of worry. These are just a few suggestions, not sure if they are helpful. A few more things are trying to kind of stop doing what your OCD is telling you, which has to do with ERP, which could be really helpful and CBT, but I would see a therapist or someone who specialises in OCD treatment for this (this has been really helpful for me ), not sure if you are seeing one already or can though. A really good book for teens with OCD is called "The ACT Workbook For Teens With OCD", if you can't do treatment this could be a really good option because it kind of uses different treatment and is just really good. Also maybe you could check out IOCDF.org, or ocdkidsmovie.com is really good too, and the movie they made called "Unstuck" is really good. Hope some of this might be helpful :). I think you can get through this, my OCD has been really bad latly, like it has kept me up really late and some other things, but I am doing ok and it has gotten better for me, don't give up hope! OCD is tretable.