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Notes: Last active 2 years, 12 months ago
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Topic Title: Sexual intrusive thoughts (NSFW, TMI)
2 posts
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clownafton said 4 years, 1 month ago:
opening this to see all the people worried about pocd was really comforting! i read the post by “outofmywits” and hnestly ive never been more comforted, exact same story only i’m younger and was related to different kinks/fetishes.
however i wanted to know if anyone else experiences sexual intrusive thoughts about other things? i keep getting this horrible idea that i’m some kind of sick fuck into beastiality. i’ve never, EVER thought about that kind of thing before, not even in my weird kinks, but even then the thought is so so scary.
tmi, gross, but when i was 10 i tried to make out with my dog for some fucking reason. i was 10, i dont know, but now my anxiety and paranoia has me so fucking freaked out that maybe it was some kind of early sign that i was twisted. i keep panicking and crying as my anxiety as been so so bad but i just don’t know what to do. you never hear people having intrusive thoughts about animals, it feels like it;s just me and that i really am disgusting?!?!
but then again, i felt the same way about POCD but i know rationally now that iyts just anxiety……. if anyone has reassurance it’s greatly appreciated!!!!
Deleted User said 4 years ago:
Im glad that my post helped you! Also, yes, I also get other intrusive thoughts. I’ve had them over if I had sexually assualted someone I know, over my dog, and over my family members as well. Intrusive thoughts are a vicious cycle, once you get over one obsession it will quickly try to drag you right into another one. The brain sure does suck. And besides, it’s obvious that you dont enjoy these thoughts, and if you dont enjoy them then there is nothing sick or twisted about you.
As for the dog thing, you were 10. We all do weird things when we’re young that we’ll regret when we’re older. It’s nothing to worry about, man. Take my advice from my last post, stop trying to think about it. Distract yourself, go outside, do something to get your mind off of it, or it will just get worse and you wont know which way is up. Good luck man, I hope you have a better day than you are having now.